The Root chakra

The body never lies.  – Martha Graham

The Root chakra is the first chakra and it is situated at the base of the spine. The Sanskrit name for this chakra is Muldhara which means “root” and “support”. It is our main vitality center, connected with the Earth and draws its energy from the ground.

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Water, a source of Life

Water is crystalline, water is energy, it is memory, it is life. The single most important ingredient to the potion of life. Without water, there would be no people, no animals, no plants. At first glance, it is an unexciting and simple flavorless liquid crystalline structure. Yet, its secrets, studied for decades, have led to an outstanding discovery of how beneficial the water truly is for our health and existence. Present throughout the universe, water is the cornerstone of life and necessary for survival. Life developed in the oceans and, through evolution, a part of it adapted to life on land.

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