The Human Body Emits and Communicates with Biophotons – Biophotons are very weak electromagnetic waves of light. All living cells of plants, animals, human and in other natural elements beings emit biophotons, which cannot be seen by the naked eye, but can be measured by special tools. They form the so-called aura, a bioenergy field that encircles all living organisms, including water, and is always present in the form of a physical body.
Category: Science
Solar Plexus chakra
“I really just want to be warm yellow light that pours over everyone I love.” Conor Oberst
In almost every culture yellow represents sunshine, happiness, and warmth. In relations to other primaries in the color spectrum yellow has the highest reflectivity. It brings happiness, and optimism, sunshine and spring. Yellow relates to food that is good for skin problems, fruit (vitamin C and A), and purgative herbs like senna.
Sacral chakra
“Orange is the happiest color.” Frank Sinatra
Orange is warm color and unlike red it contains the subtle caring properties of the Jang energy. Traditionally it is associated with the autumn season, some holidays and celebrations. In Asia it is an important symbolic color of Buddhism and Hinduism. In relation to food it represents hot spices.
Orange is very positive color and offers emotional strength in difficult times. Continue Reading
i9 Allium tests & results
The so-called “onion tests” are considered to be the standard in environmental monitoring, and are used as the bio-indicator for evaluating environmental pollution. This is deemed a very efficient scientific procedure for water quality research.
Aura and its layers
Aura is a field of electromagnetic radiation surrounding a human body. It is ovoid, widest at the head and narrowest at the feet: it’s a living part of us, always expanding and contracting. The aura comprises seven layers that impenetrate each other and the physical body. Each layer correlates to one of seven major chakras.